pp108 : JMX Architecture

JMX Architecture

This topic describes the architecture of JMX.

The architecture of JMX comprises of the following three layers as shown in the block diagram:

  • The distributed layer
  • The agent layer
  • The instrumentation layer

  • Distributed Layer - The distributed layer exposes the JMX agents to the Management Applications through protocols such as SNMP, adapters and connectors. Different types of connectors are used to expose the API agent to other distributed technologies like RMI technology.
  • Agent Layer - The agent layer, which holds the run-time environment of the Mbean server consists of adaptors and connectors that provide the services of the managed coomponents.These services include monitoring an application, loading the managed components, defining
    relationships and so on.
    The MBean Server maintains a directory of the registered services. The management framework detects only the managed components that are registered. Also, the MBean server handles the management messages that are sent among registered managed components.
  • Instrumentation Layer - The instrumentation layer contains the managed components and their manageable resources such as service, middle ware, SOAP
    connector and so on. The managed components and the association between them are displayed in the instrumentation layer.